10 Dutch Expressions Used On The Work Floor
Idioms and expressions are what give a language its flavour. If you want to show your Dutch colleagues how well you speak the language, use one of the idioms below in conversations with colleagues. Here is our selection of the most used ones on the work floor.
1. Hoge bomen vangen veel wind.
High trees catch a lot of wind.People in a high position have many responsibilities.
2. Er schuilt een addertje onder het gras.
There is a snake under the grass.There is a catch.
3. Samen uit, samen thuis.
Out together, home together.If you start something together, you should finish it together.
4. Helaas pindakaas!
Unfortunately peanut butter!Too bad that something has happened.
5. De poppen aan het dansen.
The dolls are dancing.The problems have begun.
6. De kogel is door de kerk.
The bullet is through the church.A decision has been made.
7. Iets uit de hand lopen.
Something to go out of the hand.A situation which gets out of control, it gets bad
8. Er is werk aan de winkel.
There is work at the store.There is work to be done.
9. Over koetjes en kalfjes praten.
To talk about little cows and little calves.To do chit-chat.
10. Er is altijd baas over baas.
There’s always a boss higher in rank.There is always someone who thinks s/he can do it better.