Marketing & Communication Jobs in the Netherlands & Abroad
A dynamic and creative industry, excellent career prospects and collaboration with a great variety of people and businesses. There are many reasons to work in Communication and Marketing. If you are an expert who has a way with words and can tell a story well, take the next step in progressing your career with Blue Lynx. We match candidates like you with full-time and interim jobs in Marketing and all its related fields.
Current Marketing & Communication Jobs
Digital Marketing Specialist – German & English
Marketing Manager Iberia – Spanish & English
Marketing Localisation Manager – English
Examples of Marketing & Communication Job Opportunities
Unleash Your Creative Side
Marketing is often coupled with sales but even if these two disciplines are strongly connected, they are very different. When you work in marketing, you are still selling but not just products and services. You market a brand, you build awareness for it and you get to be creative along the way. Besides the large career choice, this industry comes with flexible and remote work opportunities.
Interested in a career in the Creative Industry? Check out our Creative Vacancies section.
Hiring Your Next Marketing & Communication Manager?
If you are currently planning on expanding your marketing department, you will need skilled and experienced professionals. Here’s where Blue Lynx can step in to help. Our job, as a full-service Talent Acquisition (recruitment & contracting) expert in the Netherlands, is to make your job easier. Contact us as soon as a Marketing vacancy opens up. Ready to find your next Marketing manager or Communication expert?